This site and registry were created for owners of the classic Fiat 600 Multipla and variants of the same. After purchasing one of these remarkable little cars, I quickly realized that finding parts, information, or even a community of owners was very difficult given the rarity of these cars especially in the United States. This site was designed to be a meeting place and resource for Fiat 600 Multipla owners and fans to share information, photos, documentation, and hopefully fun stories about Multipla ownership. If you own a Multipla, I hope you will be willing to list your car on our registry and that you will visit often and contribute as part of our community.
Interested in listing your car in our registry?
Click below to download our Registry Information form.
Simply fill-out the form, save, and return the completed form to us at fiatmultiplaregistry@gmail.com.

Get in Touch!
Have questions? Need more information?
Why not "Get in Touch" using this form?
There is no fee to use this site, or to list your car in the registry.
Look for links at the top of this page to view the registry (members only) or to register your car and become a member.
*Your personal contact information will be shared only with other members and only with your express permission.